How to Build Your First Board game Collection and Not Break the Bank

Show Me the Games

We have collected a list of games that will help a new person form their first board board game collection. The process will follow the steps and qualifications below. If you were to follow the suggestions you would have an extensive game collection suitable for whatever gaming situation you may find your self in.

  • Introduce 2 quality games a at a time. I will supply my short review as well as some others thoughts from other reviewers in the “biz”
  • Average Price is $30 – At the time of this writing.There are some that will be a bit higher and/lower though.
  • 2 Player Game focus – The majority of the games play very well at two players. That said, there are some that require more than two players, and some that just play “better” with more than two players.
  • Specific Order – There was some thought put into how the games are rolled out. This had to do with replay value and the pricing of the games. Also the concepts will build on each other – and some games will multiple avenues to win, and multiple actions you can take.