Hello there – My name is Matt Anderson.
If you had asked me if I would have dabbled in board game reviews when I first started in this hobby, I would have said you were crazy.
I knew nothing of the world of board games and even less about creating web pages. Over the past few years, which spanned the pandemic – given all that has occurred, I chose to channel some of that shelter in place time into learning how to create some webpage space to create my own little slice in the board game world.
We also happen to play quite a few board games during that time. I would suspect probably not that different to all of you.
I am married with two kids. When we play games they are definitely family friendly, age appropriate games. Some of our favorites have been Camel Cup, King of Tokyo, and Colt Express. When I do “serious gaming”, it is usually with my brother-in- laws over the holidays. Nothing is off the table! Its been a great way to learn all sorts of games. I’ve got a great friend who is also a board game nerd like myself, and we get to play a lot two player based games. A long story short – I’ve played a little bit of everything. Especially over the past year I’ve played a lot on Board Game Arena. What a great platform that I would encourage all of you to check out.
I really hope to grow this page out to include video reviews and play-thrus. I want to focus on games that aren’t necessarily the latest thing on Kick starter, but have shown they have staying power. Most of what I will look at will be through the lens of a father playing games with his family. If this sounds like something you’ll be into, click the Facebook link page so you’ll get the latest posts.
One the projects i took on this last year, and to be honest is still a work in progress – is How to Build A New Collection. The intent is to provide some good quality games over the course of a year, without “breaking the bank”. I live in a bit of a small town and I’m also trying put together a local board gaming group – Ellensburg Board Gamers.