2 Card Games for the ages – For Sale and 7 Wonders Duel
For Sale is a great small box Auction game that sings at 5 to 6 players and 7 Wonders Duel stands out as one of the best for casual two player games. Like so many of the games we’ve reviewed so far, bot feature easy rule sets, short play times, and loads of fun.
As the collection of game starts to grow, I want to expand the types of games you have. – I changed the scope of what I was looking for as opposed to the previous two games I highlighted. Those qualities are:
- Tug of War
- Auction
- Card Drafting

For Sale

- 3 to 6 Players (Bes 5)
- Auction
- Ages 8+
- 30 Min Play Time
- 1.5 Difficulty
- 2017 Hungarian Board Game Award Nominee
- 2016 Lys Grand Public Finalist
What is it?
For Sale is an auction style card game that is played in two phases – Acquisition and Selling. All players start with a fixed amount of money to start the game.
Property Auction Phase: In the first phase, players compete in auctions to acquire properties. The deck of property cards is shuffled and a number of them are revealed face-up. Players take turns bidding for these properties, with the goal of acquiring the highest rating property. As people drop out of the bidding, they have to pick up the lowest rated property. If you aren’t the highest bidder you’ll receive half of your bid back (rounded down) The bidding continues until all properties have been claimed. This phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for the second phase, where players aim to sell their acquired properties for profit.

Property Selling Phase: After all properties have been purchased, the game transitions into the property selling phase. Players now take turns selling their properties to earn money. Money cards will be drawn equal to the amount of players. Players will then select a property they will sell, the person with the highest valued property – gets first grab at the money cards. The player with the most money at the end of this phase wins the game.
What a turn is like
In the first phase of the game is where the auction is happening. It is all about stretching your dollars. You’ll bid on the properties, but remember, if you are the first to drop out of the bidding – you’ll be saddled with the lowest valued property. Some rounds are easier to bid than others. For instance, when all the properties revealed are near the same value, you may not need to bid as much. However when you have a wide range of property values, and the bidding is likely to go wild, you’ll need to be mindful.
In the second phase you’ll be selling those properties. Much like the first phase, its about finding value. If all the money symbols are close – its a good time to get rid of your low value property. It an be tricky though when you’ve 3 low cash values showing and 1 high cash showing – will you risk a high valued property, only to be stuck with a low cash sale?
Why I picked it
- Tug of War – Not quite a tug of war with multiple people, but you’ll want to track what people are buying and selling so you can pick your spots to move in.
- Auction – With its arrival in 1997, certainly one of first games really to lean into the auction game mechanic. You need to be very careful with your starting funds, because that is all you have for the game.
- Card Drafting – No drafting here – but an auction is close, you’ll need to choose carefully which cards you’ll bid for what you will pass on.
For Sale is also small enough that it makes a good game to stash in your suitcase if you are traveling. Just remember, you’ll need at least 3 (better with 4 or 5) to play.

“…not only does this game have rock solid foundational puzzle, it’s full of really tense random chance. The game of two halves structure is just really cool…”
Quinns – Shut Up and Sit Down

7 Wonders duel

- 2 Player
- Drafting
- Ages 10+
- 30 Min Play Time
- 2.25 Difficulty
- 2015 Board Game Quest Awards Best Card Game Winner
- 2015 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Winner
- 2015 Golden Geek Best Card Game Winner
- 2015 Swiss Gamers Award Winner
Even if you have currently have a robust collection – do yourself a favor and pick up 7 Wonders Duel. It continuously ranks as one of the best two player games of all time. We featured it on our own list of great casual card games for two players. It packs a punch with “just” the base game, and with a few expansions, there is plenty more to explore with this game.
what is it?
What sets 7 Wonders Duel apart from its namesake the original 7-Wonders is that its exclusive focus on two players. And having played the two player variant of the original 7-Wonders, this is just a way better experience. Unlike the original, here, players aren’t simultaneously drafting cards but strategically choosing from face-down and face-up cards arranged at the round’s beginning. Grabbing a card requires precise timing, with bonus moves offering immediate access to a second card. Each acquired card can be built, traded for coins, or contribute to constructing a wonder. As a player starts collecting cards, you’ll find you’ll need to be nimble and adjust how you think you might win the game, weather it is through science, military, or straight victory points.
There are multiple paths to victory in 7 Wonder’s Duel. Purchasing a variety of green science cards is one the three ways to achieve victory. Another is an interesting dynamic created by the military cards. For each set of swords you acquire, there is a tug of war track that will push you closer to a military victory each time you play a military card. There are also some rewards to collect as you move along the track. It is an interesting addition as it forces you to not just lean into one path to victory – if your opponent all of a sudden goes a military route – you’ll need to counter! Finally straight up Victory points is the third way to win.
What A turn is Like

Each turn you will be drafting cards from a pyramid shaped tableau. Some are free at the start, but most will have some sort of cost associated with them. As you draft cards, ideally you are acquiring resources that will make it easier to acquire later on, but also advancing you along in Victory Points.
You’ll be faced with carefull drafting decision each turn. Only cards that are completely uncovered are available drafting. Some cards start facedown, as they become uncovered, they are flipped to reveal what they have to offer. Choosing a card that is covering a facedown card is risky, because you may be revealing a prime card for you opponent!
Why I picked It
- Tug of War – I find the tug of war on the military track fascinating it is one of my favorite paths to victory. I think it adds a level of tension that just feel different compared to a straight victory point track
- Auction – No auctions here
- Card Drafting -Part engine builder and part scoring track advancement makes this stick out. It also has some hefty risk vs reward when you need to decide if you are going to draft a card that could be beneficial to you opponent – especially if they are close to a military or scientific victory.
I can’t say enough about this game – especially if you do your gaming primarily in a 2 player setting.
another Point of View

“I have been totally blown away by this game. Obviously I had 5 positive points, one neutral, and no negatives because I have really a hard time finding anything wrong”
Jon – JonGetsGames